fence cell 意味

発音を聞く:   fence cellの例文
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        a fence:    a fence 故買者 こばいしゃ
        be on the fence:     be on the fénce ?=sit on the FENCE .
        fence:     1fence n. 垣, 垣根, 柵; (馬術競技の)障害物. 【動詞+】 break down a fence 垣をこわす The storm brought down a lot of fences. その嵐で多くの垣が倒れた build a fence of antiaircraft guns around the city その都市の周囲に高射
        fence in:    (人を)拘束{こうそく}する、(動物{どうぶつ}を)さくで囲い込む Supporters were segregated and fenced in. 支持者は隔離され、拘束された。
        fence with:    {句動} : ~に直接答えない、~をはぐらかす
        on the fence:    〈俗〉どっちつかずの態度{たいど}で、中立{ちゅうりつ}の
        to fence in:    to fence in 塀を巡らす へいをめぐらす
        a low fence:    a low fence 姫垣 ひめがき
        adobe fence:    日干しレンガ造りの塀
        back fence:    back fence 裏囲い うらがこい
        back-fence:    {形} : 垣根越し{かきねごし}の
        bamboo fence:    bamboo fence 虎落 もがり
        board fence:    board fence 板塀 いたべい 板囲い いたがこい
        boarding fence:    板塀{いたべい}
        bounce to the fence:    《野球》(ボールが)フェンスに当たって跳ね返る


  1. "fence (off) a garden" 意味
  2. "fence a garden" 意味
  3. "fence around" 意味
  4. "fence around a shrine" 意味
  5. "fence buster" 意味
  6. "fence fields" 意味
  7. "fence guide bar" 意味
  8. "fence hanger" 意味
  9. "fence in" 意味
  10. "fence around a shrine" 意味
  11. "fence buster" 意味
  12. "fence fields" 意味
  13. "fence guide bar" 意味

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